League Team
$370 / season
6-9 games + practices included
Tuesdays & Thursdays
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Games: Saturdays & Sundays
game times are determined at the beginning of each season
Tournament Team
$450 / season
6-10 full tournaments + practices included
Tuesdays & Thursdays
5:00 PM - 7:30 PM
Games: Saturdays & Sundays
tournament weekends are determined at the beginning of each season
Partial - Half price
Full - No fees
Offered for:
Jersey and pants are $80 one time fee.
We are volunteer coaches. We do not get paid. We are non-profit. All fees are used towards gym fees, leagues and tournaments. Season commitment.
We practice and play many games, almost every weekend. Our AAU teams play year-round all 4 seasons fall, winter, spring, summer.
Players that are ready to play in competitive league or tournament games should come tryout for our teams.